The difference between a successful agency and a wildly successful agency means thinking about things differently. Doing things differently. This PIA video series is designed to help you do that. Our goal: spark new ideas, innovative approaches, and thought-provoking conversations with independent agents at the hub. We’re talking about people, technology, clients, strategy, and more — designed to help you create your future.
02 // the thought leaders
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I’m a text box. Double click me to edit the text or to change the way I look.
I’m a text box. Double click me to edit the text or to change the way I look.
01 / / Helping clients be good drivers.
What happens if you shift the conversation about telematics away from big brother watching and negative pricing impact and focus on the safety value-add? Is it possible to turn the outcomes from consequences into opportunities by putting the driving data into the hands of independent agents?
That’s exactly what Jared Morgan of Paducah Insurance Agency is doing. In our interview, he shares how he is working to make all of his clients the best drivers possible.
02 / / Ready, set, grow. Allowing your passion to fuel your insurance business can help set you up for success. That is how Terren Moore, owner of Moore Farms & Insurance in Greenville, Texas is succeeding. Terren has taken his love of all things agricultural and opened his own agency providing coverage to farmers. In our interview, he shares how his background as a farmer enables him to connect with clients and how he plans to keep his agency growing.
03 / / The gift that keeps on giving. There is no one-size-fits-all strategy. While many agencies rely on producers to drive new business, Lisa Hamm of New Jersey based Clyde Paul Agency is taking a different approach – connecting with partners such as accountants, real estate agents, and financial advisors to send her leads. Lisa discusses how she develops these long-term relationships to bring new clients to her agency.
04 / / Reading your clients' minds.
Did you ever wish you could know what your clients were thinking? Well with sentiment analysis – you can. AI, or Artificial Intelligence, combined with sentiment analysis, can be plugged into your agency management system. It looks at all your client communications, merges it with external information and gives you a full picture of what your clients are thinking and doing. Chris Paradiso of CT-based Paradiso Insurance is growing his business significantly, and part of that is due to how he uses technology to look at his customers and prospects.
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Is there a topic we should discuss that would help you think bigger about your agency? Or are you doing something innovative that could help other agency owners? We look forward to hearing from you.
Established in 1996, The PIA Partnership is a group of insurance companies that work collaboratively with PIA agents and leadership to conduct research and develop tools and resources designed to benefit professional independent insurance agents. The participants are committed to working with the independent agency system to increase market share by improving the dialog between agencies and companies.
PIA Partnership companies include: